Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Great Opportunity: Labor Center Workshops

Hey All--

Please, if interested, go! Also, love that work is starting to be put up (2 poems below this post). I'll delete this post after the conference is over so that the poems aren't buried. Do read them meantime.


Washington State Labor Education and Research Center
South Seattle Community College
April, 2011 Special Bulletin


WHEN: The conference starts at noon on Friday May 20th & ends at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 22nd.

WHERE: Georgetown campus of the S Seattle Community College – 6737 Corson Ave S Seattle 98108

SPACE IS LIMITED! DON’ T DELAY! Registration closes May 16th

The Emerging Leaders Conference will offer workshops on the critical issues facing working families today. This is an opportunity for younger union members, students, and activists to develop leadership skills, network with others from a broad range of social justice organizations, and plan for tomorrow. Now more than ever we need to encourage those who have not previously played a leadership role in their unions or organizations to become educated and motivated leaders. Can we build the leadership of tomorrow here and now? Si se puede!

To download a registration form, go to http://georgetown.southseattle.edu/LERC/events.aspx click on the Emerging Leaders Conference link on the left and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Print the form, complete it, write a check for the registration fee payable to WA Labor Center, and mail both the form and the check to:

South Seattle Community College Georgetown Campus
6737 Corson Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108

REGISTRATION FEE: $150 General Registration, $75 Student Registration – includes all meals & workshop materials. NOTE ON HOUSING: We encourage participation by Washingtonians from outside the immediate Seattle area. We may be able to provide housing assistance to those who will be traveling from other parts of the state. Contact Cheryl Coney – cconey@sccd.ctc.edu.

SCHOLARSHIPS: Some scholarship money is available for students and others who do not have an organization to sponsor them. For University of Washington students, contact the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies at UW Seattle to request a scholarship – 206-543-7946, pcls@u.washington.edu. For all others needing scholarship assistance, contact Cheryl Coney here at the WA LERC – 206-764-5380, cconey@sccd.ctc.edu

CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: The current schedule for the conference is below and can be found on our website. Two items require some special explanation:

MENTOR TRAINING: On Saturday, May 21st from 2:30-5:30 there will be a special session offered on mentoring. This is intended for current leaders who want to mentor emerging leaders; this training can be signed up for independently of the rest of the conference for free. If you want to attend this session please email Sarah Laslett – slaslett@sccd.ctc.edu or call 206-764-5382 to reserve a space. If you would like to remain at the conference after this session for dinner and to hear our keynote speaker, Kent Wong from the UCLA Labor Center, we ask that you pay $25 for dinner. We need to have an accurate head count for dinner so please let us know by May 13th at the latest.

OPEN SPACE WORKSHOPS: Sunday May 22nd is largely devoted to Open Space Workshops. These are workshops that will be designed and led by conference participants at the time. They can focus on strategic planning for a particular campaign, issues that have not been addressed at the conference, or dig deeper in to issues that were raised during the Friday and Saturday sessions. Participants will be the leaders during this last part of the conference in order to make it useful for the concrete work they will do after the conference is over. Our intention is for Emerging Leaders to be an on-going initiative, leading to other trainings and educational events. The Sunday workshops and report-backs are the time that this group will plan what they want to do next.

SCHEDULE (subject to change):

Friday May 20th: Opening Sessions

Noon Lunch & registration
1:00 Intro to the School
1:30 Defining Leadership
3:30 History presentation & plenary
6:00 Dinner
7:00 Strategic planning training
8:30 p.m. End for the day

Saturday May 21st: Concurrent Sessions

10:00 a.m. Sessions:
Ø Organizing Among Immigrant Workers
Ø Using Social Media to Organize
Ø Building Leadership Skills
Ø Fighting for Workplace Rights

12:15 Lunch
1:15 p.m. Sessions:
Ø Using Politics to Effect Change
Ø Using Social Media to Organize (2nd time)
Ø Understanding the Economy – Follow the Money
Ø Coalition Building

3:30 Sessions:
Ø International Solidarity
Ø Coalition Building (2nd time)
Ø Building Leadership Skills (2nd time)
Ø The Art & Noise of Street Heat

2:30 Special Session: Mentor Training

6:00 Dinner & Keynote Speaker: Kent Wong, Director, UCLA
Labor Center
8:00 p.m. End for the Day

Sunday: Open Space Workshops

10:00 a.m. Intro to Open Space
11:00 Open Space Workshops
12:45 p.m. Lunch
1:30 Final Plenary: Report backs & future planning
3: 45 Evaluations
4:00 p.m. End

Sponsors (still in development – let us know if you want to be a sponsor):

* American Federation of Teachers 1789
* Allyship
* Coalition of Labor Union Women
* Community Alliance for Global Justice
* Economic Opportunity Institute
* Fuse Washington
* Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies - UW
* International Association of Machinist District 751
* International Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees 15
* OneAmerica
* Martin Luther King County Labor Council
* Pierce County Central Labor Council
* Puget Sound Sage
* Seattle Education Association
* Seattle National Organization for Women
* Seattle Solidarity Network
* Service Employees International Union Local 1199NW
* Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (IFPTE 2001)
* Teamsters 117
* United Students Against Sweatshops
* Washington Bus
* Washington Fair Trade Coalition
* Washington Federation of State Employees Local 304
* Washington State Labor Council

Questions? Contact Cheryl Coney – 206-764-5382, cconey@sccd.ctc.edu

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